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ICCMAE 2022: The Second International Conference on Computational Methods and Applications in Engineering

April 6, 2022

ICCMAE 2022, May 7-8, 2022
Location: Old Main Academic Center, MSU
Format: Hybrid (Online and In-person)
This multidisciplinary conference will provide a joint forum for mathematicians, scientists, and engineers from the US and Europe to exchange their research ideas in the area of computational mathematics, sciences, and engineering and discuss applications to real-world problems.

The abstract submission deadline is April 10. 2022 and the online registration deadline is April 20. 2022.

Participants interested in presenting a contributed talk should first submit an abstract to the conference organizers. Once the abstract is approved, participants will be notified and will then need to complete the online registration in order to be included in the final conference program. Partial travel support by the National Science Foundation is available for junior participants.

For further information, please visit the conference website
or contact the conference organizers at

Please, click here for the conference flyer.