Cooperative Density Wave and Giant Spin Gap in the Quarter-Filled Zigzag Electron Ladder
Clay, R. T., & Mazumdar, S. (2005). Cooperative Density Wave and Giant Spin Gap in the Quarter-Filled Zigzag Electron Ladder. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 94, 207206(4 pages).
Strong cooperative interactions occur between four different broken symmetries involving charge ordering and bond distortions in the quarter-filled correlated zigzag electron ladder. The ground state is singlet, with spin gap several times larger than in the spin-Peierls state of the one-dimensional quarter-filled chain with the same parameters. We propose the quarter-filled zigzag electron ladder model for several different organic charge transfer solids with coupled pairs of quasi-one-dimensional stacks, in which the spin-gap transition temperatures are unusually high.